1u Colocation Atlanta offers basic colocation plans from 1U to 1/4 (10U) cabinets. We can also build larger custom packages that suit your needs and budget. Our network operations center offers 24/7/365 network monitoring, and pro-active response to problems.
1u Colo/Per u Colo
Private Cabinet Colo
Custom Colocation
Colocation Pricing The Easy Way
Keep it simple and skip the contracts
1u Colocation Atlanta prices are contract free month to month terms. Your price will never increase and you can cancel any time.
All colocation plans now come with 1Gbps burstable ports. All cabinet colocation plans now have the option of redundant network connections.
1U Rack Space
30TB Bandwidth Quota
1Gbps Network Port
(/29) 5 IP Addresses
Up to 1 Amp 208v power
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2U Rack Space
30TB Bandwidth Quota
1Gbps Network Port
(/29) 5 IP Addresses
Up to 1 Amp 208v power
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1/8 (5U) Cabinet
Best Deal!!
5U Private Locking Cabinet
30TB Bandwidth Quota
(/29) 5 IP Addresses
5A 120v Power Circuit
24/7 Keycard Access
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1/4 (10U) CABINET
10U Private Locking Cabinet
30TB Bandwidth Quota
(/29) 5 IP Addresses
10A 120v Power Circuit
24/7 Keycard Access
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